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Quality Control in Sheet Metal precision manufacturing

JP Crystal

Today we will talk about quality control in sheet metal fabrication, welding services, and metal manufacturing industries. However, first, did you know that the use of sheet metal started somewhere between 5,000 and 4,000 BC? Back then, people utilized stone to shape metal. For example, sheets of metal were exploited to make armor so that men were protected at war.

Well, now that you know that fun fact, let’s dive into Quality Control in manufacturing.


Quality control is making sure that customers are happy with their orders and with your business communication. Quality control in metal manufacturing businesses is usually the same as quality control in other businesses.

One great way to sustain quality control is to set standards and follow them.

At Aston, we have three policies that we try our hardest to follow. Service, quality, and delivery.

The best way we maintain our quality is by trying our hardest to weld well, powder coat orders nice & evenly, and sometimes, we advise customers and suggest the best options for their order.

With delivery, we promise people that we will get their order to them at a specific time, and we constantly endeavor to keep that promise.

Finally, in the service category, we work our hardest to get the delivery perfect and exactly how you want it. We measure correctly, check the dimensions and do absolutely everything we can to get your order ready for you, the way you want it.


1. Well, one suitable set-up is to have selected people check the quality of orders. The person/people you hire should correct any errors as soon as they are found, check equipment, and inspect products.

2. Another thing that is vital to keep an eye on is service speed. Customers get annoyed when told they will get an order at a specific time but get it at a different time. They should not have their order delayed because someone in the factory made a mistake, and you had to start again.

An efficient way to try and stop this event from happening is to keep decent interaction with other departments part of the order. This way, you may know quicker if a mistake is being made, if you are making a mistake, or you could give a warning to stop an error from happening at all.

In the metal fabrication industry, it is essential to keep communication between different departments.

3. Before anything, safety is priority number one. No matter how rushed, late or in trouble you are, you always need to maintain safety. At all costs. No matter what.

Keeping a first-aid kit at hand is always smart, but the best thing to do is to avoid the event from happening in the first place.

Make sure to keep workers calm and not to worry them.

4. Maintaining cost standards is also an important thing to keep an eye on. You should sell your orders for enough money to pay the workers and a realistic price for the customers.

Also, if you try to cut down as many mistakes as possible, that will decrease costs, expenses, and time.

5. Becoming complacent and possibly a little big-headed is pretty easy if you have a successful metal fabrication business. However, a minor thing may go wrong amid your success, and the whole order could be delayed. As well as this, the quality in your business’ name would go bad. Once you have a reputation for a bad-quality order, it is hard to undo.

So, always try your hardest, and keep being humble. Also, AVOID MISTAKES AT ALL COSTS!


We can draft and design top quality products using Solidworks Premium 2021 and produce the parts to the standard our customers want. Based in Hallam Victoria Australia we service our customers in and Around Dandenong and all over Melbourne and Australia. Call us today to talk to us regarding your next project in Stainless steel, Mild steel, Aluminum fabrication. we are friendly team who are capable of providing you with the most prompt service.

Ph: 03 8595 6706




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